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30th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2024) | Istanbul, Turkey | September 22-25, 2024

TTS 2024 Newsletter # 5 - May 30, 2024

Pictured: Adam Alderson with his wife Laura

Opening Keynote Speaker

Adam Alderson, UK

Resilience and defying the odds in transplantation

Adam is an award-winning speaker, patient clothing business owner, and implant analysis sales manager. But Adam’s life could have taken a very different direction when at just 34 years old he was given the news he had a rare form of peritoneal cancer (Pseudomyxoma Peritonei) while living his dream life in Adelaide South Australia. Sent home for treatment, Adam underwent surgery at the Christie Cancer hospital in Manchester to try and remove the disease, but the procedure was unsuccessful, and Adam was sent home on palliative care with a prognosis of just two years. Refusing to accept his fate Adam set out to find a better alternative which led him to be put forward for a multi – visceral 8 organ transplant coupled with radical de-bulking surgery that changed everything. Adam speaks with raw passion and emotion sharing his journey from terminal cancer to taking on some of the world’s biggest endurance challenges, defying the odds to survive.
Adam will be presenting in the Opening Ceremonies on September 22 at 18h.

Abstract Notifications

We are pleased to announce that the abstract notifications have been sent out early, allowing delegates to register and book their travel as soon as possible
Please check your email for your notification letter or log in to your account on our Congress Management System to see your status. If your paper was accepted, you will see a “My Presentations” button. For any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have you registered for TTS 2024?
Early Bird Deadline June 17

Act now! The Early Bird Deadline is swiftly approaching. Secure your spot by registering before June 17th.

Design a Studio Session

Welcoming New Submissions - Limited Spots Available for Late Entrants

Deadline - June 30, 2024

TTS @ ATC 2024 Congress

TTS is exhibiting at the ATC 2024 Congress in Philadelphia - Come and visit us at our booth!
BOOTH #224
Onsite representatives:
Marcelle McPhaden, TTS Executive Director
Jennifer Groverman, Manager, DICG & Projects

TTS Recognition Award Winners Announced!


TTS Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement Transplantation Science (Clinical)


TTS Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement Transplantation Science (Basic Science)


TTS Recognition Award for Mentorship or Education and Training in Transplantation


TTS Recognition Award for Outstanding Achievement Transplantation (Developing Country)

WIT Award Winners Announced!

Congress Attendance Justification Toolkit


The tools provided in the toolkit may assist you in getting approval to attend the 30th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS 2024), to be held in Istanbul, Turkey from September 22-25, 2024.

The toolkit includes:
  • 1. Employer Approval Tips
  • 2. Expenses Worksheet
  • 3. Benefits Worksheet
  • 4. Letter to Manager/Supervisor
  • 5. Conference Follow-up Report

"Don't miss out! Experience the power of networking, learning, and surprising affordability at our congress."

Bringing your fellows/trainees to TTS 2024 will foster invaluable networking, exposure to cutting-edge research and professional growth – an investment in their future excellence!

Full program is available on our Congress WebApp

Attending the Congress

Registration Now Open!

Fees for the meeting are separated into in-person or virtual streaming. We offer greatly reduced fees for trainees, fellows and AHPs. In addition, for the 1st time we are offering a 50% discount on main registration for delegates from lower to middle income countries.

Hotel Reservation Now Open!

We have carefully curated a preliminary block of rooms at eight hotels in close proximity to the Istanbul Congress Center with different price points for all budgets. We will add additional hotels as pricing becomes available. We anticipate all hotels will be within walking distance of (<1 km)

Official Airline

Turkish Airlines is the official airline for TTS 2024. Special discounts are offered for all delegates travelling via international flights arriving in Istanbul.

Discover the ICC

Discover Istanbul

Discover Turkey

Promote TTS 2024!

On Social Media

Become an Ambassador by Promoting the Meeting! When promoting on social media please use the following:

Hashtag: #TTS2024
Official Tags:
@ttsorg (on X -
@thetransplantationsociety on Instagram 
@tts on LinkedIn

Our Sponsors

A special thanks to our supporters who in supporting the congress help in the advancement of transplantation world-wide.




We invite you to explore the opportunities for support available and then let us help you determine what packages or offerings best suit your needs. By supporting the TTS 2024 congress your company is demonstrating their continued support for education for transplant professionals across all related fields. To receive our Sponsorship Opportunities Program please email Kathy Tsandilas, our Director of Sponsorship.
