<< an opportunity for us to shape the future together!>>
Attention all innovators, creators, and problem-solvers! Are you ready to contribute to the success or TTS 2024?
We're seeking fresh, imaginative ideas for smaller sessions that will ignite inspiration and foster meaningful discussions among participants. Whether it's a workshop, a panel discussion, or a hands-on creative activity, we want to hear your suggestions!
The four studios will be setup for 20 to 60 participants to allow for a more intimate setting.
Session examples / types
Brainstorming Session
Pose a problem or challenge to the participants and facilitate a brainstorming session to generate ideas and solutions. Encourage creativity and open-mindedness.
Case Study Presentations
Presentations that examine real-world scenarios or examples to illustrate best practices, challenges, and lessons learned.
Demo Session
Presentations or live demonstrations to showcase skills, features and capabilities.
Fireside Chat
A conversational format where a moderator interviews a guest speaker or panelists in a relaxed setting, encouraging candid discussion.
Fishbowl Conversation
A small group of participants will sit in a circle in the center of the room and have a discussion while the rest of the participants observe. After a set time, switch the observers with those in the fishbowl.
Hands-on Demonstration
Hands-on demonstrations or interactive activities allows participants to learn by doing and reinforces key concepts in a memorable way.
Icebreaker Activity
Start the session with interactive icebreaker activities to help participants get to know each other and feel more comfortable sharing ideas and opinions.
Interactive Presentations
Incorporate polls, quizzes, and open discussions into your presentations to encourage participation. Use interactive tools like Slido or Mentimeter to gather real-time feedback and questions from the audience.
Panel Discussion
A panel of experts who discuss a particular topic or issue. Make sure to allow ample time for audience questions and interaction with the panelists.
Q&A Session
A session dedicated for attendees to ask questions and engage in dialogue with speakers or panelists.
Role-Playing Exercise
Design scenarios relevant to the participants' interests and have them act out different roles or perspectives. This can stimulate discussion and deepen understanding of complex issues.
Simulation Game
Create an interactive simulation game or exercise that mimics real-world situations relevant to the participants' interests or objectives. This can be particularly effective for fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills.
Town Hall Meeting
An open forum for attendees to discuss transplantation field related matters, share feedback, and ask questions to organizers or key stakeholders.
The smaller nature of a workshop allows for more opportunity for audience engagement. Make sure to include opportunities for participants to collaborate and share ideas.