Considered the most important benefit of attending a conference, it may be the toughest to quantify. Experts agree that the top benefit of attending an event is the networking value. How can you propose trying to obtain funding to your supervisor, are there solutions you are not aware of?
When approaching your supervisor focus specifically on the knowledge and experience you will bring back to your organization.
Here are some tips to guide you in your request for approval to attend TTS 2024:
- Your organization is investing in you; provide details about what you will bring back from the event. Consider giving a short presentation to your department on recent advances you learned at the Congress.
- What sessions will you attend and how will they have an immediate impact on your work?
- What vendors will you visit on the exhibition floor and how will this help your organization?
- Which experts will you have access to, and what knowledge would you bring back to share with your organization?
- Were you invited to present an abstract, chair a talk or enjoy other responsibilities? Don’t forget to share these details with your seniors.
- Take advantage of the Early Bird Deadline by June 17, 2024.