Industry Community Message Board

New Onsite Advertisement Opportunities
New Symposia A La Carte Options
Your logo will be front and center as participants register for the congress.
Sponsor Early Career Delegates
Hosted reception for KOL and Early Career Delegates
Invitation to Exhibit
Floor plan now available – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request a copy
DEMOZONE: Wet-Lab and Dry-Lab
details are available in the Invitation to Industry
Stay up to date with upcoming deadlines.
This page will be updated frequently.
This page will be updated frequently.
✔︎ January 15, 2024Sponsorssubmit the Sponsor Commitment Form with preferred booth number and sponsorship requests
✔︎ January 19, 2024Sponsors Confirmationssponsorship and booth requests based on the priority level and sponsorship benefits
✔︎ January 22, 2024Exhibit booth ONLYconfirmations are sent to all exhibitors. Booth assignments are made in the order received
✔︎ April 29, 2024Exhibitor Kitforms and Service options become available
✔︎ May 30, 2024Symposia Guidelinesand room assignment
✔︎ July 15, 2024Sponsor and Exhibitor Description form & Logo DueSymposia information Duespeakers and content
✔︎ July 22, 2024Symposia content approvalby the Scientific Committee
✔︎ August 2, 2024Symposium room set-up and audio-visual special requests DueBooth Renderings Duebooths larger than 10sqm and aboveSponsor Artwork Duebanner (for Symposia Only)
✔︎ August 19, 2024Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration deadline
✔︎ August 23, 2024Symposia A La Carte Optional Services deadlinePayment for Extra Services DeadlineAdvanced Pricing Deadline
✔︎ September 9, 2024Polling Questions submission deadline
✔︎ September 16, 2024Standard Pricing Deadline
✔︎ September 17, 2024Late or Onsite orders(additional fees apply)